What Strains Exist?

As of 1-18-2006, there have been four officially identified:

  • Ebola Zaire - The virus discovered in Zaire in 1976 - the first known occurrence of the Ebola Virus.
  • Ebola Sudan - Initially discovered in western Sudan in 1976. This type of Ebola virus resurfaced again in 1979 in Sudan.
  • Ebola Reston - This is the variation of the Ebola virus discovered in the African monkeys imported to the United States. This particular type is not believed to cause health problems in Humans.
  • Ebola Tai - This is the most recently discovered type of the Ebola virus. Discovered in 1995 on the Ivory Coast of West Africa, in the Tai Forest. A Swiss researcher was the first infected human, but survived the infection.

* A fifth type of Filovirus named Marburg also exists, and shows very similar signs to Ebola, but is not a strain of Ebola. *

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